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The aim of ZIKAlliance WP2 is to study the natural history of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection using standardized protocols for patient sampling and testing. A baseline questionnaire has been prepared by all laboratory partners from WP1 (Clinical Science, Epidemiology & Modelling) to determine the current situation with regards to laboratory capabilities for ZIKV diagnostics. This will be re-evaluated throughout the duration of the project in order to determine the effect of WP2 on laboratory preparedness. In close collaboration with partners from WP1, ZIKAlliance’s members from WP2 have developed SOPs for the collection and processing of  specimens in the different cohorts. In order to harmonize laboratory support, all sites will use the same commercially available serological assays to determine the presence of ZIVK IgM and IgG and an external quality assessment will be provided for molecular diagnostics for ZIKV.