




The unit (Unité des Virus Emergents) is specialized in the study of emerging viral pathogens with a specific focus on arboviruses.

The investigation fields include diagnosis (French National Reference Centre for Arboviruses), epidemiology, genomics and evolution, reverse genetics, antiviral therapy and all ecological and medical aspects of the natural history of viral infection.


Key scientific contact person 1 (Team leader)


Xavier de Lamballerie



Position in the Institution

Professor, head of the unit

Email address

Phone number


+33 4 91 32 44 20

Mobile phone number

+ 33 6 40 60 89 40

Postal address

Unité des virus Emergents

UMR IRD 190 – Inserm 1207

Faculté de Médecine

27 Bd J Moulin

13005 Marseille


Role in the Consortium

ZIKAlliance coordinator


Task 1.4 : Epidemiology

Subtask 1.4.1: Seroprevalence studies

Subtask 1.4.2: Blood donors


Task 2.1 : Establishment of laboratory support of cohort studies

Subtask 2.1.1: Definition and follow-up of procedures and diagnostic algorithms

Subtask 2.1.2: Preparation & coordination of the different laboratory sites Subtask 2.1.3: Genomic Data pooling platform and governance

Subtask 2.1.4: Development of high throughput surrogate assays to measure ZIKV neutralizing antibodies

Task 2.2: Description of natural history of infection & impact of previous flaviviral exposure

Subtask 2.2.1: Determination of kinetics of viral shedding and antibody response

Subtask 2.2.3: Virus analysis by whole genome amplicon based sequencing in different body fluids

Subtask 2.2.4. Metagenomic analysis of viromes of patients with ZIKV virus infection with and without complications


Task 3.2 : Comparative genomics

Subtask 3.2.2: Virus genetic diversity and genetic epidemiology (virulence/emergence)

Subtask 3.2.3: Molecular epidemiology & phylogeography

Task 3.3 : Development of a ZIKV toolbox

Subtask 3.3.1: Reverse genetics & development of biosafe reporter systems

Subtask 3.3.2: ZIKV-specific assays and reagents, including panel of clinical isolates and relevant cell culture systems

Task 3.4 : Antivirals

Subtask 3.4.1: Compound library screening & repurposing of inhibitors

Subtask 3.4.3: Activity against clinical isolates & Mechanism of Action studies

Subtask 3.4.4: Efficacy of selected antiviral compounds in animal models for ZIKV infection


Task 5.3: In vitro studies to determine the tropism, susceptibility and innate immune responses induced by ZIKV and related flaviviruses

Subtask 5.3.3. Comparative flavivirus tropism


Task 6.3: Interactions between ZIKV and other flaviviruses

Subtask 6.3.1: Co-infections as driver of viral selection 


Task 7.3: Beliefs and behaviors related to risk of Zika infection 


Task 9.1: Contract and finance management

Task 9.2: Strategic steering

Task 9.3: Periodic reporting

Task 9.4: Organisation of ZIKAlliance Executive Committee meetings

Task 9.5 Exploitation of project results, intellectual property and sustainability


Task 10.1: Harmonization of protocols and standardization of data capture tools

Subtask 10.1.2: Standardization of data capture and data management

Task 10.2.: To set up joint harmonized platforms for clinical research

Subtask 10.2.1: To set up a reciprocal clinical monitoring platform

Subtask 10.2.2: To set up a joint laboratory diagnostics EQA platform

Subtask 10.2.3 To set up a joint virtual biobanking platform

Subtask 10.2.4 Establishing principles of governance for the joint virtual biobanking platform


Task 11.1: Setting-up common bodies for the global management of the scientific programmes

Sub-Task 11.1.1: Creating a common Scientific Advisory Board

Sub-Task 11.1.2: Setting-up an external Ethics Advisory Committee

Task 11.3: Organising integrated communication

Sub-Task 11.3.1: Creating a Communication Oversight Board and Communication Harmonization Plan

Sub-Task 11.3.2: Organizing joint meetings and representation of all consortia in relevant project specific meetings

Task 11.4: Organising Cross-Consortia working groups

WP12 (co-PI)

Task 12.1: Creating core preparedness structures

Task 12.2: Capacity building

SubTask 12.2.1:  Educational activity review and development

SubTask 12.2.2: Training for the reciprocal clinical monitoring network

SubTask 12.2.3: Training for the laboratory diagnostics EQA platform