Optimisation and field validation of odour-baited traps for surveillance of Aedes aegypti adults in Paramaribo, Suriname
by Visser et al.This study demonstrates that the BG-Sentinel trap baited with the MB5 blend and CO2 outperforms the current golden standard (BG-Sentinel trap with BG-Lure) for monitoring Ae. aegypti females and males, in both laboratory and field experiments. The BG-Bowl baited with the MB5 blend is a good candidate for home use. Finally, the results show that CO2 is an indispensable component of the attractive blend.
Zika Virus Seroprevalence in Urban and Rural Areas of Suriname, 2017
by Langerak et al.In Suriname, 770 participants were recruited from 1 urban area and 2 rural villages in the tropical rainforest in order to conduct a ZIKV serosurvey. Researchers found that 35.1% of the participants had neutralizing antibodies against ZIKV. In 1 remote village in the rainforest, 24.5% of the participants had neutralizing antibodies against ZIKV, suggesting that ZIKV was widely spread across the country.
Re-evaluation of routine dengue virus serology in travelers in the era of Zika virus emergence
by van Meer et al.Researchers have demonstrated that the recent ZIKV outbreak in Latin America substantially affects the DENV serology in routine diagnostic laboratories.